How to Fix High CPU Usage on Your Mac

High CPU usage can lead to several problems on Macs. If left untouched, you may encounter application crashes, a frequent jittery interface with a spinning beachball, overheating, shorter battery life, and worse – kernel panics. This tutorial shows you the steps to identify the processes using excessive CPU and how to fix them.

Source: How to Fix High CPU Usage on Your Mac – Make Tech Easier

Make the Sound Good when using PulseAudio in Linux

Linux uses PulseAudio, which has a poor default configuration, resulting in bad sound.

With some tinkering with the PulseAudio file, reading a lot of websites about the settings, I was able to get PulseAudio to have sound that’s subjectively as good as BSD, Mac, etc. By default, PulseAudio uses a resampler called “speex-float-1” which is horrendous. The reason this is chosen is to maintain compatibility on very small and bad sound cards. This shall be reconfigured to either “speex-float-10” or “soxr-vhq” for best quality. Some other changes also improve the sound.

Make the Sound Good (Reddit | r/linuxmint)
Also see: PulseAudio (Linux Reviews)

How to Get the Older Style MacOS Alert Dialog Back

MacOS Monterey and MacOS Big Sur introduced a new style to the MacOS alert dialog boxes, which look more like something you’d see in iOS than MacOS. … If you’d like to return to the older traditional style of MacOS alert dialog boxes and windows, you can do so with the help of a defaults write command.

Source: How to Get the Older Style MacOS Alert Dialog Back (OSXDaily)

Ramdisks: Why You Might Enjoy One, Plus a Performance Puzzler

A ramdisk – or if you prefer, RAMdisk – is a method of taking a section of memory and treating it as disk.  If you think about it for a moment, the pros/cons should be obvious: RAM is much faster than even the fastest disk, so operations on the ramdisk are much faster…

Source: Ramdisks: Why You Might Enjoy One, Plus a Performance Puzzler – LowEndBox

How to use the scp Command in Linux

SCP is short for secure copy protocol and is used to copy files and directories between multiple Linux machines over a network. The data transferred using SCP is encrypted to protect your data against nefarious agents.

The SCP command uses SSH for data transfer and thus uses all the same usernames and passwords you would use for SSH. As a result, it is an extremely useful command for transferring files securely without too much added complexity.

Source: How to use the scp Command in Linux – Pi My Life Up