Avoid Bluestacks until they fix their nasty bug!

This started out as a simple link to an installation tutorial that we found:

Now days Android is leading mobile operating system , there are wide range of app and games in android , If you are really fond of using android applications but unfortunately you don’t have any android supported Phone. Then don’t worry you can still enjoy all the Android application and Games on your PC and Laptop, One software will helps you to make your dream come true. Now days Bluestacks is one of the famous and working Software Which convert any android apps in Windows or Mac version. By using Bluestacks software you can run easily any android app on your pc or laptop.

Full article here (but DON’T DO THIS until they fix the bug!):
How to run android apps on pc using bluestacks? (Techypassion)

In addition to the Windows versions, there is also a Mac version of the Bluestacks software, and that’s what we tried. But as soon as you install it and attempt to run it, to comes up with an error message that reads:

“Network Issue. The network is experiencing some problem. Please retry or cancel.”

If you put this error into Google, you find that many other potential users, using both the Windows and Mac versions of this software, have run into this issue. And when one user attempted to get help, what did the company do? They addressed a completely different issue and then marked the thread as “answered”, basically washing their hands of the issue.

Well, this bug still exists, and it stops you cold after you have installed the software. So for now, Bluestacks earns our “avoid this software package” designation. Don’t waste a minute of your life trying to install and run this thing, because several users with more experience than us have apparently tried and failed. But if you ignore our advice and somehow manage to get it working, please leave a comment telling us how you did it!

EDIT: In the meantime, here’s another way to run Android on your PC or Mac, though we haven’t actually tried this one yet:

The Complete Guide to Run Android 4.3 in VirtualBox (Make Tech Easier)

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