DynDNS will discontinue free DNS service on May 7, 2014 – here are some alternatives

A little over two years ago, DynDNS took the first steps toward discontinuing their Free DNS service, and now they have announced that it’s really coming to an end for most users. In the 2012 article linked above, the following alternatives were mentioned:

Those that have replaced their router’s firmware with DD-WRT have the option to use DynDNS.org, freedns.afraid.org, ZoneEdit.com, No-IP.com, 3322.org, easyDNS.com, TZO.com, and DynSIP.org (or you can use another “custom” service).

Dynamic DNS service selections in DD-WRT
As time rolls on, the list of available free DNS services changes, but it seems like there are always plenty of choices. Since that 2012 announcement we’ve used the one at freedns.afraid.org and have been quite happy with it. But you want more choices, you say? Then check out this article:

Best Free Dynamic DNS Services (Updated 2014) (GNU Tomorrow)

Just remember that if you want to use a free DNS service, you need to sign up for one of those alternatives before the May 7 cutoff date, preferably long enough before that you have the time to update any configurations that specify the DynDNS address. Don’t put it off until you realize that your dynamic address will be no longer functional in just a few hours, or worse yet, has already ceased to function!

Dyn Decided To Stop Offering Free Accounts for Dynamic DNS (Dyn)
Dyn discontinues free DynDNS service to clean up its DDNS network (Ars Technica)
Beat it, freetards! Dyn to shut down no-cost dynamic DNS next month (The Register)

4 thoughts on “DynDNS will discontinue free DNS service on May 7, 2014 – here are some alternatives

  1. dyn.com didn’t offer IPv6 support for LAN hosts anyway and without this ‘feature’ IPv6 support is useless. as far as i know, the only free dynamic dns provider that addresses that issue is DuiaDNS.

    1. Liviu, I looked at their web site and while they do offer a free service (with some limitations that probably won’t impact most users), they do try to upsell to paid service plans. It is an interesting service but I would be worried that if they aren’t making enough money at some point then they will convert the free service to paid, just as DynDNS is doing. But at the moment, even the free service offers the “IPv6 for LAN Feature”, whatever that includes. So, thanks for bringing this to our attention.

  2. Hello

    I am Alberto, one of the co-founder of Nubem.com

    Nubem Dynamic DNS is available for Free to all registered users, and of course registration is for Free. Our plan provides a third level domain on mynubem.com, as an example myusername.mynubem.com

    However if you would like to have your own domain name registered with Nubem, you’ll get unlimited Dynamic DNS record entries for that domain, and as many levels (subdomains) as you want as well. As an example mycamera1.home.mydomain.com, doorscamera.mydomain.com or any.thing.else.mydomain.com

    From a technical point of view, Nubem offers a simple API widely compatible with almost every Dynamic DNS client on the market (both hardware device or software). Moreover, if you use the great DDClient software Nubem will provide you the exact configuration file.

    You can read all the technical details about Nubem Dynamic DNS implementation at this link https://nubem.com/kb/1400598979/

    Nubem Dynamic DNS is available here https://nubem.com/free-products/dynamic-dns/

    Thank You!

    1. Alberto, thank you for letting us know about this. Readers should note that we have not tested any of these newer services, so we cannot comment on how well any of them work. As with all new dynamic DNS providers, we have no way of knowing whether at some point in the future they might feel it necessary to convert the free service to a pay service.

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